This blog collects great science and math work made by students from around the world. All videos and other content are added by science teachers. The blog is open to anyone who like to share great work for others to see and gain from.
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Opfinderspiren 2013 - Naturfagsmarathon

Jeppe & Søren from 6A have made this machine to sort balls in different sizes.
Jeppe & Søren 6. a har lavet en boldsorteringsmaskine.

Opgaven gik ud på at vi skulle kunne sortere 20-50 golfbolde ud fra glaskugler og bordtennis bolde vi skulle gøre det uden at røre ved maskinen det skulle være under 2 minutter. Vi har lavet mange ombygninger og tests inden vi fik den til at virke.
Venlig hilsen Jeppe og Søren